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of Interest
of Interest
Facial Plastic Times
Facial Plastic Times as American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery named our Techniques as revolutionary ones.
Endopeel, best technique of the century
Endopeel is an alternative or complement to surgery, and it offers excellent post-surgical maintenance if the indications are chosen correctly.
ENDOPEEL belongs to the Gravitational School, which follows the basic laws of Physics.
Fillers, on the other hand, belong to the Volumetric School, which contradicts the basic laws of Physics.
Improve your appearance
Keeping your physiognomy young and fresh
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Liftingul Facial Nonchirurgical 4D
Dr. Lucian Popa (chirurg plastician-Medlife)
Pentru cei care viseaza la fantana tineretii, dar se tem de bisturiu sau vor pur si simplu sa ii gaseasca o alternativa mai comoda, exista si un lifting facial 4D. Se face la Iasi, iar dr. Lucian Popa ne-a explicat in ce consta inovatia.
Aandacht voor rimpels en verslapping van het gezicht
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Endopeel Nedir?
Güncelleme Tarihi
Yüz ve boyun kırışıklıklarına hızlı çözüm: Endopeel
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31 Ekim 2023 / 18:23 KAYNAK: Haber Merkezi